Patrizia Castagno
4 min readApr 12, 2024

In the dynamic world of data analysis, the ability to merge datasets effectively lies at the heart of uncovering actionable insights. Within the SAS (Statistical Analysis System) environment, the SQL procedure serves as a robust tool for data manipulation, offering a powerful arsenal of commands to streamline the merging process.

Among these commands, the various types of joins — INNER, LEFT, RIGHT, and OUTER — stand as cornerstones for integrating data from disparate sources. Each type of join brings its own unique functionality and nuances, catering to different analytical needs and scenarios.

In this blog post, we embark on a journey to explore the intricacies of these join types within the SAS environment. We’ll delve into their syntax, applications, and nuances, providing practical examples and use cases to illustrate their utility. Whether you’re a seasoned SAS user or just beginning to harness the power of SQL procedures, mastering these join types is essential for unlocking the full potential of your data analysis endeavors.

Photo by Sunder Muthukumaran on Unsplash

For this section, we will create two table in SAS:

data orders_1;
length OrderID $ 15 ProductID $ 15 ProductName $ 15;
INPUT OrderID ProductID ProductName$;
20 10248 Product1
13 10248 Product2
35 10248 Product3
55 10249 Product4
76 10249 Product5
84 10250 Product6
34 10250 Product7
88 10250…



Patrizia Castagno

Physics and Data Science.Eagerly share insights and learn collaboratively in this growth-focused